Energy Medicine: Thump Thymus to Boost Your Immune System

Objective: Learn Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) simple techniques to enhance your vitality.

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The 5 Minute Routine is the foundation of Eden Energy Medicine that develops a strong energetic core, leaving one feeling invigorated. One exercise in the 5 Minute Routine is called “The Three Thumps”. Engaging the body’s energies by thumping at 3 different locations gets energies moving forward; boosts and restores energetic balances; increases strength and vitality; and strengthens the immune system by stimulating the energy in your thymus gland (directly linked to your Immune System and the production of T-cells), your spleen meridian (metabolizes everything that goes through your body) and your Kidney 27 acupressure point (the end point on your Kidney Meridian). Today we will learn the Thymus thump.

What benefit is received by thumping the thymus? The thymus gland, located behind the center of your sternum, makes T-cells, which are part of the immune system. The gland helps protect you when you are under stress and it seeks to eliminate the hormonal residue that is created by stress. Do you remember the guerilla in the Tarzan movie (and of course Tarzan himself) as he thumped his chest? That behavior is used by mammals to intuitively strengthen their immune system and the harder the thump the more benefit and boost the immune system receives. So we are borrowing this innate behavior observed in guerillas to benefit ourselves.

Technique: THUMPING THYMUS is Easy: Use your fingers or knuckles and vigorously thump the center of your sternum for 15 -20 seconds. Enjoy the boost! Play some music, dance and move to the thumping. If there is concern with auto-immune disease, heart issues or reluctance to thump on the body directly, then thump in your field directly in front of the sternum and receive positive benefit this way. Do it daily, but thump more if you are feeling low on energy, feel tired, want to relieve stress, or just feel the need for strength and vitality. I remind clients to thump their thymus regularly and frequently (you can never thump too much) when they feel a cold or illness coming on. Thumping is especially helpful when flying in airplanes since it activates your immune system. Thumping at airports has resulted in comical situations. While going through security in San Diego, a guard asked me what I was doing. When I explained I was making sure my energy was crossed and thumping to boost my immune system, she asked if I could show her—so I did! My colleague was laughing when she saw me doing the Cross Crawl and thumping with security guards in the middle of the Airport—it just shows that energy work is FUN, UNIVERSAL AND BENEFICIAL!

Have Fun with your energy! Send me your questions. Next week’s Topic will be THE SPLEEN THUM AND THE K27 THUMP.

Caveat: EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

Posted in Exercises, Immune System.