by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM, JD, AAML(03-12)
Having received many emails from readers, questions from clients and questions from attendees at workshops wanting to know how to feel their own energy, it appears it is time to suggest how to engage your energies so you begin to feel this wonderful life force that surrounds and is integrated within you. In our Western culture, we are not taught or even encouraged to feel any part of our very sophisticated and complex energy anatomy. Yet it is what keeps all of our systems humming and if we begin to access it, we will feel such balance and relief. Just this week, I received 3 emails and 2 telephone calls from students and clients reporting their amazement at relief from back pain being experienced for months; or finding that pain that has existed for years is diminishing or being able to walk again without knees buckling under them. All of these people are just like you and I, and are learning to pay attention to the energies of the body, understanding that if there is dis-ease somewhere, it is this remarkably complex body’s way of saying—“Hey—I need some attention here at this location where I am sending impulses to you”.
So, by beginning to be aware of your own body’s energy fields, you will begin a new journey toward optimizing your health. Try this simple exercise to begin to detect your energy (It is helpful to close your eyes so you may “tune in” easier (for more detail see Donna’s book page 42):
Step 1. Rub your hands vigorously together for at least 10 seconds until heat begins to build.
Step 2. Pull your hands away from one another very slowly a distance of 6 to 8 inches and hold.
Step 3. Try moving your hands toward one another again, very slowly and then move them apart. Many will experience in either step 1 or 2 a sense of something that is very palpable and seems to have a magnetic pull or draw. This is your energy and the forces that encompass us. If you feel the energy, make a ball with it and gently give it to someone you love—what a gift! Even look them in the eye as you deliver this gift and find much joy and pleasure.
Don’t despair if you didn’t feel anything. Here is another approach. Rub your hands together but cup them while sensing the edges of the energy. Now do the following.
Step 1. After rubbing the hands together, place the left hand in front of the chest about 4 inches from the body and begin to make slow counter clockwise (pretend you have a clock on the chest facing outward) circles over your heart chakra.
Step 2. Pay attention to the subtle feelings in your hands or fingers or palms as you move into the field of your heart chakra. Do this for 2 or 3 minutes.
Step 3. Change hands and use the right hand in a clockwise motion over the heart chakra area. Pay attention to the movement and changes in the subtle energies.
These sensations are subtle shifts. Sometimes you may feel as if your hands are riding a wave; or that the energy seems dense or others seem very light and airy. But, it doesn’t matter for now as to the quality of the energy, only that you begin to experience it!
Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Experiment with Feeling Your Own Energy!” Send questions to Karen at . Prior articles may be found at her blog or through Island Sun. Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions