Feeling Ungrounded, Disconnected?–Meet the New 4th Thump

Eden Energy Medicine                                  June 26, 2015


Feel Ungrounded, Disconnected- Meet the 4th Thump!

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)

Those in the Eden Energy Community have been waiting for this announcement for years. The hoopla? A way to ground each morning with ease! As a refresher, there are 3 other thumps (K 27s; Thymus Thump; and Spleen Thump) that are part of the Daily Energy Routine, the keystone of EEM. The 5 Minute Routine develops a strong energetic core, leaving one feeling invigorated. One exercise in the 5 Minute Routine is now called “The Four Thumps”. Engaging the body’s energies by thumping at 4 different locations gets energies moving forward,; boosts and restores energetic balances; increases strength and vitality; and strengthens the immune system by stimulating the energy in the thymus gland (directly linked to your immune System and the production of T-cells), the spleen meridian ( metabolizes everything that goes through your body); the Kidney 27 acupressure point ( the end point on your Kidney Meridian) and now the NEW Grounding Thump. blue seahorse under water from Julie

This latest thump activates the stomach meridian, which channel begins on the face and flows down to the feet, off the second toe and into the Earth so the energies of the body are literally connecting to the Earth’s energies. As electromagnetic beings, we need to be connected to the Earth to function and thrive. If we are not grounded, one might experience excessive worry, feel generally weak or disconnected from self and others.

The 4th Thump should be done as the 1st or 2nd of the 4 thumps. By beginning as the first thump, it may be easier to remember, since the thumps then move from the face down the body.  Since the stomach meridian’s energy is also associated with the emotion of worry, it is beneficial to start the day with tapping on the face and thus getting a fresh new perspective on the day, leaving worries and distress to drain form the body right into the Earth.

Let’s begin. While tapping, make sure you breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth.  Stand nice and tall. Place your right hand on the right cheek bone directly under the pupil of the eye and the left hand on the left cheek bone. Now tap vigorously for 15 to 20 seconds or until you feel an energetic shift—perhaps a yawn, deep breath, sigh or just sense release.

Given this new thump we will revisit the other 3 thumps over the next several weeks!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Thump to Jump- Tap K 27s!”  

Posted in distress, Exercises, Grounding, Stress, Worry.