Figure 8’s on a Child’s Back Causes Sleep—a Reader’s Story!

rubbing childs back with 8sEden Energy Medicine                                  November 27, 2015

Figure 8’s on a Child’s Back Causes Sleep—a Reader’s Story!

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                Teaching the 1st year of the Eden Energy Medicine Foundations program provides wonderful opportunities to hear new creative effective uses of EEM.  One of my students, Ann, recently had occasion to watch several small children when their parents went out for an evening. The children were staying at South Seas Resort, so they were not in their comfortable own beds in Michigan. Ann didn’t know the children well, but had met some of them before.  The 2 year old was a bit fussy, having some difficulty falling to sleep without his mother there to provide comfort. So, Ann sat on the side of his bed and gently began making figure 8’s over his entire back while quietly talking and soothing him. She continued for several minutes and all of the sudden he was in a profoundly deep sleep- not waking again while she was there. Her reactions were quiet wonderment that this “EEM stuff” seems to really work in a practical way…

As she reflected on this, the 6 year old popped into the living room to check on the Bruin’s score (he plays hockey and his father is from Boston).  He had requested she keep the TV on so he knew she would have a full report of the game.  After he popped out a second time and it was getting late, she thought she would sit quietly with him in his room. He reported that he was carefully listening for all sounds in case there might be an emergency needing his attention. Obviously having trouble allowing himself to sleep (Triple Warmer on high alert); Ann thought if the 8’s worked for the youngest, why not try it for this child.  So as they softly talked, she began doing 8’s on his back. Guess what? He was out like a light in several minutes!

Why does this work?  It works because as we make these patterns of 8’s over the body, it is soothing to the entire being. The bladder meridian, the longest in the body, which traverses the back with 4 pathways and controls the nervous system is being soothed; all of the Neurolymphatic points energetically impacted each organ are on the back; the Governing Meridian which acts as both a Radiant Circuit and a meridian is being calmed; and there is a Radiant Circuit called Yang Bridge flow that is activated with 8s on the back. For some of you this may all be new, but for those following the column regularly will recognize many of these systems.  Try the 8’s on any part of you that needs attention—see the difference immediately….. Thank you all for sharing—it is nice to let readers periodically hear the benefits others report, rather than just reading my suggestions on the use of energy.

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Figure 8’s- What, Why and How they work”

Posted in Celtic Weave, Children, Figure 8's, Insomnia, Meridians, Radiant Circuits.