Our ancestors did not evolve to be removed from the electromagnetic frequencies of the Earth for periods of time. The Earth has meridians just like our bodies, so when we change time zones our bodies are not in sync with the new time zones where we land—thus that feeling of JET LAG! Since most of us fly, it is helpful to have a tool to cope with Jetlag. What creates jet lag anyway? Our 14 meridians (each associated with an organ of the body) acclimate to the electromagnetic environment in the time zone you are in. Each meridian has a specific time of the day with which it is associated. For example, the heart meridian’s high tide is 11 AM to 1 PM. When our body is placed into a new time zone, the systems continue to operate in the zone you just left. If we leave Ft Myers at 11:30 AM, we are in the heart time. When we arrive in California 3 hours later (which would be 2:30 PM Ft Myers time, but California time it is still 11:30 AM), our body is still operating as if it has moved on to the high tide of small intestine (1 PM- 3 PM). So, our systems experience a lag and sluggishness since they are no longer in sync with the rhythms of the Earth as they seek to find balance. If you travel from California to London, you will pass through 5 different time zones!
To address Jet Lag, Donna Eden has suggested several techniques that help. First she suggests doing the 3 Thumps (part of the 5 Minute Routine) every several hours. K 27 thump keeps the meridians all flowing forward; Thymus thump boosts the immune system and Spleen thump helps balance the blood chemistry. Additionally, do the Connecting Heaven and Earth Exercise several times (pg. 266 of EEM book or see Karen’s blog for previous columns).
The following method is wonderful to reset the meridians so they are in sync with the time zone of your destination. The chart below is from EEM book, page 145 and will be used to tap acupressure points on each meridian. Take it with you when you fly.
- Determine the current time where located and at your destination city. Look at the chart and find the meridian time for the city where located together with the acupressure point on the figure. Do the same for the destination city.
- With pressure, tap both acupressure points simultaneously or in sequence for 1 minute. Do one side of the body with both points and then do the other side. Repeat every 2 hours on the next pair of meridians; i.e. move down the list to the next meridian below the original time for current location and for your destination.
- If the flight is 8 hours or more, locate the acupressure point for the expected arrival time and for the last 4 hours of the flight, tap this point simultaneously on both the right and left side of the body for 1 minute each hour.
Finally, I trace my meridians with the new time zone, which is another way to adjust (see Karen’s blog of prior Columns or EEM book). These tools have worked for me over the last 7 years consistently—and I fly at least 1 or 2 times each month! Try it, it does work!
Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Sniffles, colds, dry cough—let EEM help!”
* Send questions to Karen at SemmEnergyCenter@gmail.com. Prior articles may be found at her blog or through Island Sun. Learn more at www.semmelmanenergy.com. EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.