Holiday Eating from Stress? Weight Gain Concerns-EEM to Rescue

The holidays are frequently a source of stress and many find that eating helps deal with the stress, resulting in that unwanted extra pound, or 2 or 4… Placing tasty morsels in one’s mouth can be quite calming, well at least momentarily. This is a primal response, so the tools suggested below assist in the body, both physiologically and psychologically, to be more “rational” and controlled when the systems are saying “give me food”.  The first course is to avoid eating when under stress—do the 5 Minute Routine instead….Really, by the time you have completed the thumps, hook up, zip up etc. you will feel much better.

stress is dessert spelled backwards

The second defense against the unwanted eating is to hold the main Neurovascular points on your forehead (which control emotions) by placing a palm against the forehead with the fingers pointing toward an ear and the wrist pointing toward the other ear and just hold for several minutes until you feel the stressor dissipate. Another approach suggested in Donna Eden’s book Energy Medicine for Women , is the Eat in Peace Exercise, taking less than 1 minute:


Step 1. Raise both hands above the head, make fists on an inhale, and bring fists in a controlled manner all the way to ground as you exhale. Open hands at ground

Step 2. While bent over, place backs of hands together, and on an inhale slowly slide hands up center of body. When reaching face, take another inhale as hands are moved above head.

Step 3.  On exhale, with palms facing outward above head, circle arms down to sides of legs.

This exercise releases tension, calms the nervous system, & zips the calmness into the central meridian (which forms a bubble around your core).

No go check out the food—I bet you don’t feel like grazing…

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Eating for Comfort Puts on the Pounds—EEM to Rescue”.  Send questions to Karen at . Prior articles may be found at her blog or through Island Sun. Learn more at  EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.




Posted in Stress, Weight.