Eden Energy Medicine March 25, 2016
Hook up Your Pet—Create Calmness
by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)
Lots of interest in helping our pets, so here is how to hook up your pet. First let’s revisit why we hook up! The Hook-up exercise is part of the 5 Minute Routine. There are 2 meridians (defined energetic pathways) that circle our core, one called the Central Meridian, which begins at the pelvic area, runs up the front of the body ending deep in the throat at the level of the bottom lip; and the second called Governing Meridian, which begins at the base of your tailbone, runs up the spine, over the head, ending deep in the back of your throat in line with the top lip. These 2 meridians act as an “energetic casing” bridging the energies between front and back, head and torso, and send energy to all the other energetic systems of the body. Thus, when you connect the 2, you are literally creating an immediate neurological boost and “centering” yourself. Central and Governing meridians have dual roles, also serving as Radiant Circuits (an energetic system with very subtle energy flows that enhance all other energy systems; are highly responsive to our thoughts; and serve as our “joy juice” of life. By activating this system, feelings of joy, gratitude and peace are increased). Thus by “Hooking-up” you are immediately getting dual benefit- of Radiant Circuit activation and creating an energetic bubble around the body.
So, if we hook up our pet, we are doing the same for them. Cat, dog, horse, camel, manatee, or other mammal—they all have a navel and a sweet spot between the eye brows. The trick is to find it and place your fingers correctly. Mammals are placental mammals and thus have umbilical cords while gestating. The entry site of the umbilical cord forms a belly button; but is less pronounced than a human’s. The naval is basically a tiny flat scar. Since the belly button is often surrounded by fur, it can be hard to locate. So, use your fingers and feel on midline below both ribs on the belly . It will be about 1/3 of the way between where the hind legs meet and the ribs. Get your animal used to letting you place your finger on the navel first. It is also best to do the Hook-up when your pet is quiet and resting
Then, place the middle finger of one hand VERY GENTLY on the “third eye” (between the eyebrows and bridge of the nose) and the middle finger of the other hand in your pet’s navel. Press both middle fingers into the skin and gently pull upwards, holding up to 30 seconds (or longer if it feels good). If you experience a yawn, sigh and take a deep breath you know the energies just CONNECTED! It may take awhile until your pet is comfortable with doing this, but they love the energy work, so it won’t take long until they are happily chasing rabbits in their dreams or gently purring…
Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Zip up Your Pet- Create Confidence& Contentment ”.