Insomnia? – Close Your 3rd Eye!

Eden Energy Medicine                                  November 13, 2015

Insomnia? – Close Your 3rd Eye!

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                Can’t shut down the mind, which is continually doing loops of those uncompleted tasks, or the argument with your best friend or boss, or what to get your friends for the holidays….. ; we all experience that continual loop.  Knowing the more we want to sleep the more elusive it becomes.  While in San Diego with Donna Eden in September, she showed us a number of tools that help insomnia. To understand this one, it is necessary to understand that we have 7 charkas, starting from the pelvic area  (the Root Chakra) all the way to the baby spot on the top of our head (the Crown Chakra). Chakras have been recognized in many cultures for thousands of years. They are swirling balls of energy that bathe the organs within their area, sending energy to the organs and out into the auric field. Each chakra has unique characteristics for which it is known.Third Eye Chakra pic wih little girl smelling flower

Today, the focus is on the 3rd Eye Chakra, which is located between our 2 physical eyes. In many cultures you see pictures of the 3rd eye as literally being seated between the 2 physical eyes but much larger in size. Hold that image.  Organs and anatomy within its sphere include the eyes and vision, the ears and auditory system; nose and olfactory system; the Pituitary and Hypothalamus Glands; and the Forebrain. Not only does it bathe all these systems and organs, but it encompasses the activities of the mind, assists the brain in performing abstract thought, oversees abstract reasoning; attunes to the inner hearing, inner smells, inner tastes and other senses enabling us to have multiple ways of knowing.  So, you can “see” that the Third Eye Charka has a huge impact on our thoughts and our mind. Thus is we can close it somehow, we should be able to find some calm, peace and rest.

The technique today is one Donna demonstrated. When faced with that restless mind, lay down with your physical eyes closed. Breathe deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth. Focus your attention on the 3rd eye, as if you are looking through that space to the beyond. As you focus, take your left middle finger, placing it at the edge of the hairline above the 3rd eye. Slowly, slowly move the finger down the forehead to the 3rd eye, imagining the eyelid of the 3rd eye to gently close. You will end with your finger at the bridge of the nose.  Having tried it several times, I can truly say it works!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Figure 8s Save Owl—A Reader’s Story”

Posted in Chakras, Insomnia, Third Eye, Uncategorized.