Last week we reviewed Thymus Thump, one of the 3 daily thumps that are part of the 5 Minute Energy Routine. Today’s topic, Kidney 27(K-27) Thump to Jump, assists in creating strength and vitality for all 9 energetic systems. Some of the energetic systems you may have heard referenced are:
• The Meridians: energy pathways serving the “blood stream” of our energetic system. Each meridian runs on the surface of the skin, but also deep inside the body bringing energy to the organ for which it is named, impacting us physically and emotionally.
• The 5 Rhythms: reflect the rhythmic pulse of life—providing a framework to view chronic health issues, personality characteristics and emotional patterns.
• Chakras: spiraling disks that store and process the body’s energies, providing fuel for all organs and systems of the body. Together with meridians, they govern the endocrine system.
• Aura: surrounds the body with 7 nested fields and 7 concentric bands connecting us to and protecting us from the environment. They act as our antenna.
The K-27 acupressure point is the end point on your Kidney meridian (the beginning point is on the bottom of your foot in the soft spot behind the ball of your foot). In Chinese Medicine, the Kidney meridian is believed to conduct the vital energy from the earth through the meridian for distribution to other meridians. To locate the K-27 points, place your fingers on the collarbone, move them inward toward the U-shaped notch on top of the breastbone, and slide your fingers down about an inch to locate the points. Insert picture here-it is attached in email.
What benefit is received from Thumping K-27? Because the K-27 points interact with all of the nine energy systems and our hands are electromagnetically activated, all energetic systems are literally “jump started” by tapping these points.
The Thump to Jump Technique is easy. Use several fingers or knuckles to tap or thump the K-27 points vigorously for 15 -20 seconds on both sides of the body (at the location as shown in the picture). Do this daily as part of the 5 Minute Routine or whenever you need an energetic boost!
Have fun with your energy! Send me your questions. Next week’s topic will be Thumping Spleen Activates Lymph System.
* If you have a question for Karen, email her at Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.