Knee Issues—What Needs are Not Being Met?

Eden Energy Medicine                                  December 2, 2016



Knee Issues—What Needs are Not Being Met?

 by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                Holidays are coming and you feel pushed to get preparations for festivities, gifts, meals, entertaining, decorating underway! The list goes on and on. This is just one example of directing attention to others and away from caring for yourself.  Or do you feel you are taking care of others though you are receiving little in return? Do your knees throb at the end of the day, are they sore to the touch, is it painful to walk, do they feel as if there is a knife cutting into them?  If so, consider if you are finding time for taking care of yourself or letting others help you… Why? Because when you have knee issues, it is directly reflective, energetically, of a sense of not having your basic needs met.

EEM to the rescue with a number of quick suggestions that may help the knee discomfort:

  1. Under Chinese Medicine, from the ground to the knee, the energy is associated with the Earth. So grounding becomes paramount. Earth energy needs to be pulled in from the Earth through those K 1 Points. Break out the spoon, making Figure 8s on the bottom of the feet. Then take the spoon and make figure 8s with it around the area on the knees that are giving your pause.
  2. Take a flash light and shine the light around the areas of your knees needing attention. You can actually shine the light directly on that area, making space and giving relief
  3. On the back of the knees are Neurovascular points, associated with the emotion of frustration, anger and not getting needs met. You can do one knee at a time or both at the same time, depending on your dexterity. Place the back of your palm against the back of your knee. Hold for several seconds. Flip your hands over and place the palm of your hand against the back of the knee for several seconds. Continue flipping back and forth until you begin to experience relief. This action helps shift the polarity of these points on the back of the knees.
  4. Make figure 8s’ over the area of the knees that are troubling
  5. Place 1 hand , palm down, above the area that creates discomfort and the other palm below and just sit with hands in that position until relief begins. This approach gets the energy moving through the area.

While doing all or any of the above as often as needed, reflect on how to change the habits in your life that will enable you to feel cared for. And then enjoy the holidays, thinking of that special someone who can’t wait to spin you on the dance floor and whisper in your ear!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Veteran PTSD reduced with Figure 8’s Around the Eyes”

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