In our culture, most of us tend to be shallow breathers, not taking those deep belly breathes that we learn in yoga. By breathing in such a shallow fashion, it impacts the diaphragm, the horizontal wall of muscle partition between the chest and abdomen that acts as a bellows, forcing oxygen through our body. If not used and exercised to its capacity, it will become tight, lose its rhythm and thus not function optimally; making you more susceptible to illness and dis—ease.
Consider the impact on your breathing when sitting on Periwinkle Way for an hour during the high season, especially if you have an appointment. You feel the locking in your chest, perhaps begin to get a headache or experience muscle spasms in some part of your body. This is evidence that your diaphragm is not functioning well. When full, the diaphragm helps pump both subtle energies and oxygen throughout the body.
So, if you are experiencing short or shallow breathing; have memory problems; feel distressed or are fearful; having trouble letting go of emotions, ideas or events (i.e. continually rehashing the same issue over and over);experience acid reflux or hiatal hernia; or have a headache—– then it is time for this technique to Free the Diaphragm.
Step 1. Place the left hand under the center of your rib cage with the right hand placed directly on top of the left. Pull the elbows close against the body.
Step 2. Inhale deeply and push your upper belly toward the hands while holding the hands firmly against the pressure of your upper belly. Hold the breadth while maintaining the pressure between body and hands. The longer the breadth is held and the more pressure exerted from the body being pushed out to meet the hands the better.
Step 3. When you release the breath, ease the hands. REPEAT this process 3 times
Step 4. On an in breadth, place the right hand around the left side of the waist and with pressure pull wide spread fingers toward the navel. Repeat 3 times. Switch and use the left hand at the right waist. Repeat 3 times.
Step 5. Sweep the energy from the waist down the legs.
You have just moved oxygen throughout the body, improved your circulation, enhanced your auric field, pulsed your energy field and restored the horizontal flow of energy around your waist!
Have fun with your energy! Send me your questions. Next week’s topic is “Safeguarding Your Breasts”
* If you have a question for Karen, email her at Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.