by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12) Given the start of another wonderful and delightful season on Sanibel, it seems appropriate to revisit the underlying principles of Eden Energy Medicine for the benefit of those new to these concepts–especially for those readers who are not as familiar with the concepts. The basic idea is that if energy is clogged, blocked or trapped, then one can expect there will be pain, discomfort or disease that results. By unclogging the blockage, then healing commences on the energetic level. To better understand why energy is such a valuable resource, it is helpful to review the primary approaches to health today. In our Western culture, physicians learn about the body by dissecting cadavers. In cultures that are closer to nature, healers work with the body’s living energies. The problems with our ailing health care system are not only bureaucracy, vested interests, dependence on medications to treat symptoms and costly invasive procedures; but the focus is frequently on individual organs or body parts, rather than the energies that keep those organs, systems and parts functioning properly as a holistic, cohesive and integrated unit. This approach is shifting and EEM helps with providing complementary approaches to the Western model. As Dr. Mehmet Oz, Chief of Cardiology at Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons, predicted on Oprah, “The next big frontier in medicine is Energy Medicine.” That frontier is already here. Donna Eden, who developed the protocols used in the practice of Eden Energy Medicine, is showing that techniques from ancient healing and spiritual traditions make powerful contributions to contemporary health care. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, MD, Nobel Laureate in Medicine observed that “In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.” Energy Medicine Provides the Missing Link: Here are some basics about healing with Energy Medicine:
Enjoy this holiday season even more by taking the time to take care of you, and in return, your energy shifts will enliven others. Register for future Eden Energy Medicine classes taught by Karen L. Semmelman in beautiful Sanibel, Florida– a destination location! To transform your life, attend introductory day classes; or free 2 hour workshops; or for those who desire to build vibrant energy systems, integrate EEM into existing healthcare, enhance the health of family and friends or become a Certified Energy Medicine Practitioner, attend the Foundations classes! Learn more at the website, in the Events/Classes section. Have fun with your energy! Send questions to Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions. |