Seeking Inspiration? Let Heaven Rush In

We all have moments when we feel alone and don’t know which way to turn to seek the answer we so ache to find. So, if you are feeling the need for inspiration; or are feeling anguish because you have a long standings illness that just won’t heal; or you are at a cross-roads in your life where the next step will dramatically change the course of life’s journey; or literally or figuratively you are feeling shut-in or confined or just seem to have your mind going in continuous tight circles; or just simply are feeling lost, forlorn, alone or in despair—then it is time to connect with energies that will feed and nourish you.

Donna Eden likes to remind us that matter follows energy and that our universe is comprised of multi-dimensional intelligence. By engaging in the exercise of “Heaven Rushing In”, you are touching the sacred dimension of that higher intelligence to provide answers and guidance that is easily attainable if you just ask and open yourself to the experience. Although the exercise’s name includes the word heaven, the concept is to seek connectedness with the source, whatever that source maybe in your belief system, which is viewed as having divine energies larger than your own.

If possible, do this exercise outdoors or even better, under the stars to invite the physical and metaphysical energy fields to you. Remember that we are all part of an interconnected universe and can access that sense of oneness with practice.

The technique is as follows:

Step 1. Stand with feet hip width apart. After rubbing the palms of hands briskly together, place the palms on the front of each thigh. Feel the connection between your hands, legs and the Earth, all grounding you

Step 2. On an inhale, bring your hands together in a prayer position in front of you heart. Hold for several seconds and then exhale.

Step 3. On an inhale, extend your hands out from the sides bringing then in an arch overhead, while opening your hands, heart and arms to the heavens to allow the energy to enter. Both hands are touching the “heavens”.

Step 4. Exhale. Continue to hold this position as long as it feels good to you, while breathing at a normal rate.

Step 5. Move the hands to your heart as you bring the source energy to you. Your hands are on a vortex called “Heaven Rushing In”. Experience the energy rejuvenating you.

Step 6. Place your energized hands at any place on your body where it is needed.

The exercise can now end by placing your hands over your heart as you started or open your hands again to the Universe for more….. Either way, you should now feel much more connected, in tune and nourished!!! Enjoy the journey.

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Meridians-the Most Physical of the Nine Systems!”

* If you have a question for Karen, email her at Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

Posted in Emotions, Exercises.