Settle Tiff With a Spinal Flush

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM, JD, AAML(03-12)

Last week we reviewed Neurolymphatic Reflex points, those points located on the surface of the body, that when rubbed, enable toxins to be released from the system, clearing stagnate energies (including emotional energy) and thus leaving you feeling invigorated and energized. Remember that our lymph system has no pump so rubbing these points is quite beneficial to release toxins. Points exist on the front and back of the body. The exercise reviewed last week enables one to clear the points on their own body by using your hands to circle the points.

This week you will learn how to do a flush of the Neurolymphatic points on the back, which points are parallel to the spinal column. So, when you and your significant other have a “tiff”, say to him or her “Hands against the wall”. At this point you are wondering how this position can possibly resolve the conflict. It is easy. If you are both stressed, the frustration is high, you believe you are right and your partner believes he or she is right, a great way to expel the emotional toxin is to flush it out! How? Step 1: Have the partner stand about 3 feet from the wall with both hands against the wall with elbows locked. By standing firmly in this position, the person is stable since the other partner will be exerting pressure. The other partner stands behind the person facing the wall, placing both thumbs on either side of the spinal column beginning right below the neck

Step 2: The partner circles, with pressure, the points that are on both sides of the spine at the notch of each vertebrae (being careful to never push on the spine itself), using either the thumbs or middle fingers and applying his or her body weight to lean into the points.

Step 3: The points are deeply rubbed or circled for at least 3 seconds each as you move from the base of the neck all the way down to the sacrum area. If there is a point that is particularly sore, then give extra attention to that point—it needs it in order to release the toxins. Always check with your partner to make sure the pressure is comfortable.

Step 4: Sweep the energy off the body from head to toe by running your hands over the body 2 or 3 times. Do the massage a second time if possible and then sweep the energy off the body again.

You have just made your partner feel better and you feel better having released that frustration from both of you! Switch partners and both will feel doubly better. The Spinal Flush works since each of these points is associated with a meridian, and each meridian is associated with an organ; thus creating an immediate release for both giver and receiver!

Other options include having the receiving party lay down; or if you don’t have a partner wrap 2 tennis balls in a cloth napkin with rubber bands at each end to hold the tennis balls in place and then put the tennis balls behind your back against the wall and lean into them. You will receive immediate gratification!

Have fun with your energy! Send me your questions. Next week’s topic is “Weave your Energy Systems for Balance”

* If you have a question for Karen, email her at Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

Posted in Exercises.