Eden Energy Medicine August 14, 2015
Sharpen Memory and Find Inspiration with The Crown Pull
by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)
Want to sharpen memory, calm the nervous system, find inspiration, create more focus, or remove feeling of congestion in your head? The 5 Minute Routine includes The Crown Pull, where the plates of the skull are being pulled open with your fingers. These plates move with each inhalation and exhalation to create a cranial adjustment that helps to pump the cerebral-spinal fluid into the brain to provide oxygen and nourishment. As the skin on the skull becomes tight, the muscles of the head get rigid and tight, and the sutures’ movement is limited—so we have clogged energy stuck in our heads!
Releasing this energy stuck in our skull is easy? It moves through the Crown Chakra at the top of the head (chakras are frequently referenced in Yoga). The Crown Chakra provides a gateway to inspiration and spirituality, enabling the feeling of connectedness to a higher presence. Given the stressors of daily life, it is delightful to have a technique at your fingertips, literally, that provides an opportunity to tap into inspiration.
It is beneficial to do The Crown Pull after finishing Wayne Cook Posture (last week’s article) especially before any presentation or exchange where focus is necessary. Clients, frequently report their head is tingling and feels so much more open, after I do a crown pull for them…. The technique follows:
Step 1. Place the thumbs at the temples with fingertips resting in the middle of the forehead.
Step 2. With pressure slowly pull the fingers apart, stretching the skin on forehead.
Step 3. Place the little fingers at the hairline with other fingers resting on either side of the suture and repeat the stretch (about 1 ½ inches on both sides of the sutures).
Step 4. Continue this pattern of stretching the suture line over the top, center and back of the head, then down the back of your neck.
Step 5. Press your fingers into the back of the shoulders and hold for 2 breadths. Pull the fingers across the shoulders toward the front of the body. Hold as long as it feels good and then release.
You are done—having created vibrancy, clarity and fresh energy on all levels!
Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Toxins be Gone-Rub those Neurolymphatics!”