Have you wondered what creates the dis—ease in your joints making it so very uncomfortable to bend or move them? A fundamental principle of energy medicine is that if energy is not able to move, is stuck and thus not dynamic or is just like sludge; then an energetic blockage has been created resulting in dis—ease! Since most of us collect too much energy, which needs to be expelled, performing an exercise that releases the energy will provide immediate relief. Connecting Heaven and Earth, part of the 5 Minute Routine is just that exercise. It is a powerful stretch bringing fresh oxygen to the cells while at the same time releasing that clogged energy. By stretching the torso, the Spleen meridian is activated, which plays a vital role in our immune functioning and overall vitality. Use this exercise to clear stale energy, making space for fresh new energy to enter.
When is it especially beneficial to do the Connecting Heaven and Earth exercise? Of course you should do this daily as part of the Routine, but use it more if feeling achy or sore in your joints; feeling disconnected; feeling as if you have taken on other people’s energies; have a sense of a cold or flu taking hold; feeling sad or in need of emotional bolstering; or if a conflict between your heart and mind exists.
Connecting Heaven and Earth Technique:
• Step 1. Place your hands on the thighs, fingers spread. Envision pulling energy from the Earth into your thighs to meet your hands.
• Step 2. Inhale through the nose while bringing your arms in a circle to meet at your heart center in prayer position. Exhale through the mouth.
• Step 3. Inhaling through the nose, stretch one arm up and the other arm down with palms facing the heavens and the Earth. Stretch fully on the side with the arm that is above, feeling the stretch along the entire side of the body. Exhale through the mouth and return the hands to prayer position. Switch arms and repeat. Do this two more times for each arm.
• Step 4. Return your arms to your sides, bend at the waist, bend the knees slightly and figure 8 your feet while taking 2 deep breaths.
• Step 5. As you rise from the bent position, roll the energy up your body with your hands, starting at the feet and rolling it all the way over your head. Bring your arms back to your thighs.
You have now opened meridians, expelled toxic energies, stimulated fresh energies to move into your joints and feel better!
Have fun with your energy! Send me your questions. Next week’s topic is “Feeling Disconnected or Faint?—Let’s Hook-up!”
* If you have a question for Karen, email her at ksemmelmanenergy@gmail.com. Learn more at www.semmelmanenergy.com. EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.