Eden Energy Medicine March 18, 2016
Spinal Flush for Pets- a Veterinarian’s Story
by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)
Our furry friends benefit for Energy Medicine too. My 7 year old golden doodle Chezzy, loves his daily Spinal Flush and other EEM techniques too. When I stand at his head and place my thumbs on either side of his neck while gently circling along both sides of the vertebrae, he just sits unmoving waiting for the entire flush to be completed. I gently move my thumbs down along both sides of his spine making circles the entire way until I get to his tailbone. Then I place my hands flat at his head and gently sweep the energy down the back of the body and off his hind legs- doing this sweep 2 times. I go down the spine again and sweep the energy off a second time. If it were up to him, I would do it all day. His eyes get glazed over and he just loves it. Of course doing the spinal flush on humans is wonderful too.
Several weeks ago, I had the pleasure of teaching an Introductory Workshop on EEM to 25 folks in Mississippi. One of the attendees was a veterinarian. I received her permission to include her comments in the column. The lesson is—use your EEM tools for your animal friends to help them too!
“Just had to stop and send you a note to let you know the great things that happened to me after the weekend. When I left I was in a brain fog and had a slight headache above the eyes, so went to bed early. When I got to my office today everything seemed brighter and I found myself more focused and less anxious than I have been in a long while. So something shifted and the fog lifted!
I always start the exam with my patients– checking out the points along the bladder meridian by massaging them. Didn’t realize until this weekend I was doing a spinal flush. Today I spent a little more time and finished smoothing off the Qi across the body, shoulder to hip. I usually leave the needles in 22 minutes, so today I spent that time doing energy work. So easy to add crown pull & neurovascular points.
On Willie, the 16 year old hound dog, I added sedation of TW and traced infinity (figure 8s) lightly over his heart murmur. Willie loved it! The owner didn’t even know I was doing anything but petting/ massaging. Willie just relaxed where he is usually fearful. Owner certainly noticed that! Next visit I will ask her what she noticed and tell her what I did different.
SO, just had to let you know that EM is already working for me. I am so thankful to you, for what you do and the wonderful way you teach. I was truly blessed to find you through the synchronicity of the universal web.” B A.
Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Hook up Your Pet- Create Calmness ”