Let’s face it—putting food in our mouths feels good (but babies know that sucking the thumb feels amazing good too)! Unfortunately, our bodies do not always need the sustenance of food when we eat, since often the feeling of eating is created by stress and thus imbalance in our physical or emotional bodies. Our brain is being sent chemical messages to eat to feel better. Of course, if eating processed foods laden with salt, sugar and fat, the food itself (thanks to our food industry) will create a desire for more. The result is often compulsive eating – a sense that you must eat and eat more and eat now! Today’s exercises and the last 2 weeks are based on Eden’s book Energy Medicine for Women. Try 1 or all of the techniques to see what works best. For today’s issue, immediately upon craving food, try:
- Create Self Comfort. Place either thumb against the roof of the mouth and suck while placing the 2nd knuckle of the index finger above lip & below nose. Rub index finger up & down slowly until you feel the urge to eat subside. It works by connecting 2 major meridians that encase the core of the body, while moving oxygen and cerebrospinal fluid through the head, creating a feeling of comfort.
- Place one hand on middle of chest
. With other hand tap point on back of hand between ring and little finger (as shown on Diagram) while breathing deeply. While tapping, focus on the food you are craving. This works since it is a powerful acupressure point on the Triple Warmer meridian, which controls all of our habits—including the need to EAT that food for comfort!
You have just given yourself comfort without eating! Oh, as a bonus, sucking the thumb helps to alleviate snoring…..
Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Change Eating Patterns by Blow-out; Zip-up; &Hook-up”. EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.