Stopping Seizures with Hook-up- Reader’s Share Stories


Due to the feedback I received following the Column on helping to stop seizures by doing the Hook-up exercise (where you place one middle finger in the navel and the other on the 3rd eye while gently pulling upwards), it seemed apropos to share some of the stories!  Energy Medicine really does work.  The first was from a practitioner in Massachusetts, who reported that when her client went into seizure, she immediately had her lay on the ground on her side to avoid vomit choking the throat, applied Hook-up since the client’s body was arched backward and rigid. Soon she went limp, turned her head and asked what happened. Upon release, she began seizing again, so the Hook-up was held for several minutes until she again calmed, regaining awareness. At this point, it is important to ask the person if he/she wants 911 called.

Another reader reported her husband had an extreme episode of dizziness and was very concerned.  This had never happened before. She had him lay down, applied Hook-up for several minutes and he felt fine. At a check-up with the doctor, she showed the doctor what she did!

Finally, it was reported that a reader’s friend had a dog that started seizing. The reader told the friend to do the Hook-up for the dog, which stopped the seizures after several minutes. The owner reported that typically the seizures would last 10 -15 minutes but now after doing the Hook-up the seizure time has been greatly reduced!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Reader Questions if Energy Medicine Helps Intense Grief”.  Send questions to Karen at . Prior articles may be found at her blog or through Island Sun. Learn more at  EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.




Posted in Hook-up, Seizures.