Summary of Techniques to Face Wrinkles

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)

Over the last 6 weeks, there have been many diagrams on Facial Wrinkles and what they reflect about a person’s state of health, whether physically, emotionally or spiritually. This column provides a list of tools to consider to help clear those wrinkles. Details of the techniques may be located in a variety of places; from the columns on Wrinkles, past columns accessible through the Island Sun or my blog; Donna Eden’s book Energy Medicine, or my website. The following list is not exhaustive; since we all have many tools that help us shift the energetic habit fields via our own neurotransmitters.

  • nov28Meridian Facial Massage (See Column on Wrinkles). Do the Crown Pull 1st (5 Minute Routine)
  • Process what you feel, let it hurt, sink into the emotion while holding the forehead with one hand ( main Neurovascular points and the back of the head with the other hand
  • For that sense of hopelessness or fear- rest, mediate and be still. Live mindfully
  • Do 5 thumps (K27; thymus; spleen; stomach points on face; & outsides of upper legs
  • Clear the chakras associated with emotion (use counterclockwise circles to clear)
  • Rub the Neurolymphatics associated with the emotion
  • Do Connecting Heaven & Earth exercise
  • Hold both temples at the same time, while imagining a ball of energy moving between the sides
  • Rub your Ming men point on back (directly behind navel)
  • Do the 5 Minute Routine

Try one or all and watch your reflection change!

Register for future Eden Energy Medicine classes taught by Karen L. Semmelman in beautiful Sanibel, Florida– a destination location!  To transform your life, attend introductory day classes; or free 2 hour workshops;  or for those who desire to build vibrant energy systems, integrate EEM into existing healthcare, enhance the health of family and friends or become a Certified Energy Medicine Practitioner, attend the Foundations classes! Learn more at the website, in the Events/Classes section.

Have fun with your energy!  Send questions to Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

Posted in Face Wrinkles.