We now know the 4 sensory types of the Energies of Love and how each impacts our interaction with those closest to us. As you gain awareness of each type, it will be much easier to accept, communicate and be loving. So let’s recap the 4 types and review a tip for the best way to communicate; remembering that as you communicate in a way that is innate and deeply understood by your partner, child or friend, the bonds will grow stronger since the person feels soooooo appreciated!
Visual (Motto: You are wrong). Tip for communication: Look partner straight in the eyes, keeping a distance so he/she can keep perspective. Don’t be afraid to hold your view, since if you back off, partner will know he/she is “right”.
Tonal (Motto: I need you to hear me or I’m angry at you for making me feel……). Tip for communication: LISTEN to what is being said. Show you have heard it, perhaps by asking “Do you Mean?” Help partner check assumptions so he/she may learn to understand there may be reading between the lines occurring
Kinesthetic (Motto: I don’t want YOU to feel wrong). Tip for communication: Avoid pressure and allow extra time to address issues since the kinesthetic needs time to process, given the default is to desire to address YOUR need.
Digital (Motto: I am right). Tip for communication: Accept there will not be an emotional response, but only a rationally logical one. Remain calm, cool and collected since frustration or passionate pleas are illogical and a turn off to the digital style.
To learn more, see Energies of Love, Penguin 2014
Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Business Presentation-Enhance Ability to Focus”. Send questions to Karen at ksemmelmanenergy@gmail.com . Prior articles may be found on her website or through Island Sun. Learn more at www.semmelmanenergy.com. EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.