Spleen thumping is the 3rd thump in the 5 Minute Routine. In prior columns, the other 2 thumps-Thymus and K-27 thump, were discussed. Together these 3 thumps jump start your energetic systems to maximize vitality. Stimulating the spleen points activates your lymph system which is essential to the body’s ability to metabolize energies, substances and even thoughts. The spleen meridian supports health and immune functioning; and it governs inflammation, infection and blood flow. Actually, there are 2 sets of points that may be thumped: the 1st set of spleen Neurolymphatic points are located under the nipples in the indent that is one rib below the “bra line” (rubbing these points removes toxins from the lymph directly associated with the spleen meridian- and since the lymph system has no “pump”, briskly rubbing is extremely beneficial); and the 2nd set are the endpoints of the spleen meridian, found at the side of the ribcage at the base of the ribs and about 4 inches down from the armpits. By thumping either set of points, which are frequently tender, the energy level is lifted; blood sugar is balanced and the immune system is boosted.
When is it especially beneficial to thump Spleen? There are many indications that the spleen energy needs a boost e.g.: feeling confused, emotionally upset or irritable; feeling dizzy or faint; nauseated from hunger; suffering from diabetes or hypoglycemia (i.e. blood chemistry imbalance); have a fever; suffer from chronic fatigue or other illness; going through PMS; or suffering from an autoimmune disease.
The Spleen Thump technique is easy. Tap, thump or rub either set of points on both sides of the body at the same time for 15 – 20 seconds while breathing deeply in through your nose and out through your mouth. As you are tapping, a big sigh or yawn frequently follows as the energy of spleen is boosted, leaving an immediate feeling of enhanced energy. Tap or thump to music and it becomes even more fun—swing those hips to the beat!!!
Have fun with your energy! Send me your questions. Next week’s topic is “Sore, Achy Joints, or Arthritis?–Try this Connection.”
* If you have a question for Karen, email her at ksemmelmanenergy@gmail.com. Learn more at www.semmelmanenergy.com. EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.