Veteran PTSD reduced with Figure 8’s Around the Eyes

Eden Energy Medicine                                  December 9, 2016

Veteran PTSD reduced with Figure 8’s Around the Eyes

by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                Holidays especially are a time to be thankful for all of our soldiers, who bravely protect the freedoms we so enjoy in this country.  Many veterans return home suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) resulting from horrors or brutality experienced or observed. This is not to say PTSD is limited to veterans, since anyone suffering from this condition may benefit. David Feinstein, Donna Eden’s husband, renown internationally recognized PhD veteran-in-front-flag-ptsdpsychologist, has testified before the Senate on the benefits of Energy Psychology to treat veteran PTSD with amazing results. This approach is beyond the scope of this article, but is an approach worth exploring for those with PTSD.

The technique in this article was developed by Laurel Camden, whose son was in the military and as a result she became familiar with the plight of so many soldiers, seeking ways to help them integrate back into normal daily lives. We do know that it is imperative to have the energy from the hemispheres of the brain cross to the other side of the body, i.e. the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body and the left hemisphere controls the right. During stress, the body’s energies, in an effort to protect and allow the body to deal with the trauma, will enter into a state known as homolateral, meaning the energies are no longer crossing from the hemispheres to the opposite of the body, but rather they are running vertically up and down the body. The effect of a homolateral condition appears in many ways— for example: loss of balance and coordination; pain on one side of the body and not the other; inability to heal and process as quickly as expected; of feeling disconnected and “off”.

What Laurel found, was that the traditional way of crossing energies, part of the DER, to do the “Cross-Crawl”, created more trauma for the soldiers since is reminded them of marching. So, she began having the veteran make slow figure eights around their eyes. At first, it was hard to do, but she found with repetition and with the eyes open, the crossing began to occur again. So, one can begin at either eye, but for purposes of the concept:figure-8s-around-eyes

  1. Begin at the Bridge of the nose with your left hand. Move the hand with all fingers held together under the left eye, around the outside of the eye(closest to the ear) around the eyebrow, back to nose, around the right eyebrow, outside of eye, under right eye and back to bridge.
  2. Repeat this pattern for at least 5 times with your eyes open. Reverse directions, beginning the 8s around the right eye first at least 5 times.
  3. Now use both hands to create the 8’s around the eyes with eyes open. Do at least 5 times.
  4. If it is too much when you begin, close the eyes and do 1 or 2 and gradually build up.
  5. As you feel better, increase the amount and frequency!

Experience the expansion of your being as you “double your energies” from being crossed!


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Heart to Heart Exercise is Great for Grounding”

Posted in Exercises, Eyes, Figure 8's, Homolateral, PTSD, Stress, Trauma.