Weak if Facing North?-Close that Leak”

Do you ever feel that you have less energy when you face in a certain direction? Do you walk into your office and sit down and immediately feel drained. Or do you stand in the studio and just don’t seem to have the energy to work on that painting or project? Having worked with many clients that experience these phenomena, it is explainable energetically. There seems to be a pattern with many clients showing that the area where they spend the most time has a correlation with a “leak” in their energetic system. One client recently advised that her workshop and porch on the bayou was facing in the same direction as where her system was weak…..

So, you ask, what is she talking about? In the 60’s, a scientist named Frances Nixon researched the correlation between the body’s energetic axis and that of the Earth. She determined that when a baby is born, a temporary energetic field is created around the baby to enable it to cope with the gravitational pull and electromagnetic forces that otherwise would dramatically impinge on the child.  To protect the child entering this new magnetized environment external to the protection of the womb, a “Vivaxis” filed is created to serve as a bridging force aligning the infant’s physical direction at the time of birth with the Earth’s energies. This shield fades in about 3 months. The polarities of the Vivaxin field are independent of the Earth’s magnetic field. However, if stress or other factors do not permit the field to dissolve, that person will experience weakness when facing in the direction of their birth since the field is now interfering with other energies of the body rather than enhancing them. Thus, if one has a Vivaxin syndrome, he or she is vulnerable when facing in a particular direction. Sometimes there can be two or rarely three directions where the person is at risk.

So, you ask, why is she telling us this and what can be done about it? When working with a person initially, in addition to getting all the energies humming through activation of the systems with the 5 Minute Routine, a foundational piece for healing is to make certain that the person does not have a Vivaxin syndrome. Unfortunately, correcting the syndrome is beyond the scope of explaining in this Column. However, the good news is that it is easily correctable by a trained Eden Energy Medicine practitioner or by purchasing Donna Eden’s book Energy Medicine and following the instructions on pages 330-333. I would be remiss in not educating you about this condition since it is a foundation for optimizing your health and healing. Isn’t so sweet that you can learn these techniques yourself?

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Weak if Facing North-Close that Leak!”

* If you have a question for Karen, email her at ksemmelmanenergy@gmail.com. Learn more at www.semmelmanenergy.com. EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

Posted in Vivaxin.