”Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself!”



     The purpose of this page is to provide you with additional materials and resources to learn more about Eden Energy Medicine, whether from radio shows or TV programs that Karen of SEMMELMAN ENERGY CENTER has conducted or from resources and links directly related to Donna Eden’s Foundation known as Innersource. Further, there are references to books, products or resources that Karen may have mentioned during her sessions with you or elsewhere in this website. SEMMELMAN ENERGY CENTER assumes no liability or responsibility for the products or resources referenced below; rather the references are for the convenience and education of the Reader.


The Frankie Boyer Show. Frankie Boyer has a holistic radio talk show for over 15 years, broadcast from Boston. To listen to Karen’s discussion of Energy Medicine in September 2012, go to www.frankieboyer.com and click on the bottom left corner of the face page under: Listen to Frankie Boyer on the AIRI Podcast/Archives and search for Karen’s topic.
GreenLeaf.org. In 2011, Karen demonstrated and explained The 5 Minute Routine for a public television station in Arlington, Massachusetts. The director was Burke Lennihan, a homeopathic practitioner who co- founded the Renaissance Institute of Classical Homoeopathy in Massachusetts. Watch the three segments below where Karen addresses Energy Medicine and The 5 Minute Routine.

Video by Karen explaining The Principles of Energy Medicine and how the interplay with Western Medicine. Click here to watch
Earthing Tools. Karen frequently recommends using Earthing products to assist in healing. These products are based on the book Earthing by Clint Ober, Stephen T. Sinatra, MD, and Martin Zucker, published in 2010. The underlying premise of the book and products is that by pulling electrons from the earth via sheets or pads or patches that have silver conduits throughout the product, the electrons will attach to the free radicals of the body and thus create a condition in the body conducive to healing. Products may be purchased at Earthing.
Your Natural Medicine Cabinet. This book by Burke Lennihan was released in 2012. It is an invaluable tool to learn of natural remedies to address health issues, whether with homeopathic remedies, with nutrition or with supplements or products acquired through your nearest health food store. It is an easy read, with topics arranged by condition so the reader can quickly access the information. It's a wonderful complementary tool for Energy Medicine.
The Wisdom of the Chakras. This book by Ellen Tadd was released in 2010. It provides a fresh and unique approach to our chakra system. Ellen, a psychic since age 19, provides insights into how to access the wisdom of our spiritual selves by connecting to the energy of the cosmos.
Juil Sandals at www.juil.com are sandals that have copper through each of the toe locations and the heel of the sandal to enable connection between the wearer of the sandal and the earth thus enabling grounding; which is virtually impossible to achieve in shoes produced these days.
Acupuncture Points and Meridians by David Legge at Sydney College Press. This is a wonderful resource to learn the exact locations of your meridians and acupressure points on each meridian.
The Book of Stones, who they are & what they teach. This book by Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian is a wonderful beginner’s guide to learning about stones and crystal’s, the benefits of utilizing them in everyday life and the unique properties of each stone.
RadioShack Magnets. Go to your local RadioShack location to obtain magnets that are easily usable to help shift energies. They come in a 5 pack at several dollars each.
Holistic Guide for a Healthy Dog. This book by Wendy Volhard and Kerry Brown DVM provides invaluable information for promoting and sustaining the health of your pet holistically. Blood work and vaccinations are explained; the digestive system of animals is explained with the philosophy of why it is beneficial to provide a raw diet; Chinese Elements, acupuncture and homeopathic remedies are addressed. Plus there are training programs you may attend with your dog. I couldn’t resist including this link since Wendy gets credit for the radiant state of Chezzy’s health today! See www.volhard.com.


     Learn about Energy Medicine. This website provides a vast array of resources to help further your understanding of Energy Medicine. www.learnenergymedicine.com

Books, Videos, and Other Learning Resources are available at the same website.

Learn this Practical Self Help Technique Now: Two Ways Energy Medicine Can Help

Introduction: Energy Medicine first approaches a health condition by strengthening the person’s overall energy system and then by working with specific energies that are involved in the problem.

1. THE FIRST LEVEL has to do with getting your body’s energies into a good flow, harmony, and balance. While not focusing on your health issue directly, this can create within your body an energetic environment that supports your overall health, vitality, and healing.

     This is the place to start, even if you are also taking additional steps, such as assessing and working with specific vulnerabilities in your energy system or consulting with an Energy Medicine specialist. Unlike treatments that offer pills or surgery, Energy Medicine focuses on the entire body as a system. Before doing more specific treatments, Energy Medicine practitioners routinely help people get their body’s overall energies into a strong and healthy flow.

     Over the years, Donna Eden designed a five minute “Daily Energy Routine” that combines the most potent techniques we know that are able to help the greatest number of people to stimulate each of the vital energy systems and bring them into harmony and balance.

     In the Daily Energy Routine are some of the methods an Energy Medicine practitioner might give to you after an initial consultation to help you strengthen and balance your own energies. You can do much for yourself through the Daily Energy Routine alone. The Daily Energy Routine takes about five minutes; dedicating five additional minutes for experimenting with other methods can make a real difference in your health and vitality.

     The Daily Energy Routine is available in every introductory publication by Innersource. You can find it in the book Energy Medicine (Chapter 3), on the “Introduction” and “Essential Techniques” DVD sets, as well as in the Sounds True “Energy Medicine Kit.” These resources may be obtained at: WWW.THEINNERSOURCESTORE.COM

Five areas you might experiment with as adjuncts to the Daily Energy Routine are:

1. The “Homolateral Crossover,”
2. “Connecting Heaven and Earth,”
3. Techniques for sedating the Triple Warmer meridian,
4. The “Neurovascular Hold,” and
5. The “Blow Out.”

     All are presented and demonstrated in each of the above resources. In Energy Medicine, you assess where the energy system needs attention and correct the energy disturbances.

2. THE SECOND LEVEL by which Energy Medicine might make a difference with a health concern involves an assessment of your body’s energies and the ways they are related to the condition.

     Based on that assessment, individualized treatments can be designed to make your energy system more robust, specifically in the ways that will help with the health condition.

     If you are a beginner with Energy Medicine, this is more than I recommend you attempt without the help of a qualified practitioner.

     The various resources mentioned above will give you an idea of where to begin. The book Energy Medicine gives further instruction in how to assess your energies and correct problems with them.

     Meanwhile, everything you might do in terms of the Basic Daily Energy Routine will only enhance and support work with a professional Energy Medicine practitioner or other health care provider.

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