by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)
Beginning to feel that wrinkles can shift? Gazing into my mirror, I do already notice a slight reduction in my liver lines-yeah! Remember that each wrinkle shows where energy is stuck and trauma has not been released from the system. These wrinkles are wonderful wake up calls to get the underlying emotion “unstuck”, enabling the energy to flow and thus reverse the wrinkles! How? Feel what you really feel, express what you really feel, be yourself and not what someone else desires… change your habits and patterns. Do Meridian Facial Massage (last week’s column). Additionally for each organ effected, rub the associated Neurolymphatic points and trace or flush the meridian, as described in previous columns or refer to the Energy Medicine book. For example, look at the Expel the Venom exercise for Liver or the Spleen thump for worry or the K27 thump for liver while experiencing the emotion associated with the organ. There are many options to address the underlying emotion. These tools are at our own fingertips to self-empower own healing journey.
Register for future Eden Energy Medicine classes taught by Karen L. Semmelman in beautiful Sanibel, Florida– a destination location! To transform your life, attend introductory day classes; or free 2 hour workshops; or for those who desire to build vibrant energy systems, integrate EEM into existing healthcare, enhance the health of family and friends or become a Certified Energy Medicine Practitioner, attend the Foundations classes! Learn more at the website, in the Events/Classes section. Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Shift Wrinkles of Sadness, Sorrow & Grief”. Send questions to Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions. |