Wrinkles Reflect Overwork, Lack of Nurturing

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)

Why do we care about the wrinkles on our face?  Ok, I admit it is an entirely new language, but if you look at the face of a loved one and see lines that denote deep sorrow, or disempowerment or worry, isn’t it nice to know to gently suggest concern? It is one more piece to provide self-healing tools of empowerment to “Tap the Radiance of Well n Being” (my mission statement).

nov14Observe the lines in the diagram. The skepticism lines on the forehead reflect someone who was lied to as a child, found people weren’t honest; and this person will tend to weigh and measure what others say. These lines can be good if eyes are not narrowed. Lines by the nose indicate one who swallows their feelings, stuffing them by an outward attitude “that’s OK” no matter how he/she feels; thus disempowering the person. Lines above the lips reflect one who puts others before themselves. Lines on the side of the mouth indicate one has experienced much disappointment. A line horizontally across the chin reflects one feeling overworked doing something they don’t really want to do (they may tend to project lack of care about what others think because they can’t afford to care & take more on). A vertical line on the chin may indicate someone who wants to be on stage, feels compelling desire for attention and feedback.

These are general guidelines. Look in the mirror and reflect with these diagrams. Address the emotions that are stuck in the ways set forth over the last several weeks. Use the Facial Meridian Massage, Crown pull, Neurolymphatics, trace or flush the meridians. Do the 5 minute Routine. Sit quietly experiencing the emotion while holding the main Neurovasculars (palm on forehead) and the other hand on the back of the head. Be empowered. Imagine the shifts of old habits and your neurotransmitters will change!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Wrinkles May Reflect Transformation, Lost Love or Pain”.. Send questions to SemmEnergyCenter@gmail.com. Learn more at www.semmelmanenergy.com. 

EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

Posted in Face Wrinkles.