by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12) As you gaze into the mirror, you see your authentic self, who you really are and it reflects how you really feel. These facial changes provide us with a wakeup call to “face” the feelings and emotions that perhaps we have avoided or perhaps to be joyous at what we don’t see! Over the last month, the meaning of many wrinkles has been learned. By feeling and experiencing the emotion, flow, motion and movement are created-all releasing trapped energy!
Compare each of these lines to the diagram from the first Column on wrinkles to find the organ to which the emotion is associated. It gives you clues on where to focus your own attention to shift the emotions to begin to remove those wrinkles. Next week’s column will provide a summary of the tools referenced over the last 6 weeks! Enjoy the journey- we do have much power for healing ourselves. Register for future Eden Energy Medicine classes taught by Karen L. Semmelman in beautiful Sanibel, Florida– a destination location! To transform your life, attend introductory day classes; or free 2 hour workshops; or for those who desire to build vibrant energy systems, integrate EEM into existing healthcare, enhance the health of family and friends or become a Certified Energy Medicine Practitioner, attend the Foundations classes! Learn more at the website, in the Events/Classes section. Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Summary of Techniques to Clear Wrinkles“. Send questions to Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions. |